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Green Street News Ethos: Real Estate News that Gives a Real Advantage

Icons_Research & News_Short Direct
Short, direct summaries
Icons_Research & News_Smart Pithy
Smart, pithy market analysis
Icons_Research & News_Diverse Powerful
Diverse & powerful perspectives
Icons_Research & News_Always Objective
Always objective and balanced

Green Street News is run by a team of journalists with a proven track-record of breaking the biggest commercial real estate stories in the market. Green Street News is the best place to find crucial, business-sensitive information before the competition - over 70% of the exclusive transactional news in the European English-language market (last 6 months) has been published by Green Street News. The heavyweight editorial team has consistently and obsessively been at the forefront of setting the news agenda for the industry – a trend which is only accelerating with time.

Delivering daily bulletins, weekly roundups, breaking news alerts, and a variety of additional newsletters based on user interests - all packed with proprietary content - we give our subscribers a competitive advantage in the U.K., European, Canadian, and Australian commercial real estate markets.

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A B O U T   G R E E N   S T R E E T   N E W S

Breaking the Biggest Exclusives

Green Street News provides news and analysis that you can’t get anywhere else, giving our subscribers a competitive advantage in the marketplace. We published more than 10,000 first-to-market stories in our first five years of operation. The quantity and quality of our exclusive news continues to develop, expand and further benefit our subscriber base.


Years Reporting Experience

Unique Readers

Exclusives Annually

About Our Audience



C O M P R E H E N S I V E ,   U N M A T C H E D   C O V E R A G E

Coverage Across All Key Property Sectors and Commercial Real Estate Markets

Corporate  |  Data Centres  |  Development  | Finance  |  Fundraising  |  Hotel & Leisure  |  Industrial Life Science  |  Logistics  | Office  |  People  |  Residential  |  Retail  |  Rural  |  Self-Storage  |  Student Housing  |  Sustainability

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U.K. Icon
U.K. & Ireland
Europe Icon
Continental Europe
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Australia Icon
East Midlands
East of England
North West
Northern Ireland
South East
South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire and North East
Central & Eastern Europe
Quebec City
Gold Coast
New Zealand

Are you interested in U.S. commercial real estate news? Learn about our three weekly U.S. news publications - Real Estate Alert, Commercial Mortgage Alert, and Asset-Backed Alert - and four related databases.


A B O U T   O U R   T E A M

Leading Editorial Team: Expert Insights Drawn from Deep Experience

Our Journalists: Our roster of deeply experienced reporters boast vast networks and best-in-class news gathering skills. From our bases in the U.K., France, Germany, Canada, the U.S., Australia, and the Philippines, we have forged a reputation for breaking the biggest exclusive scoops and the highest of editorial standards. Our mission is to be the market leader in news, insightful analysis, and comprehensive content covering every major sector, asset class and key trend in the commercial real estate space.  Meet our team!

Our Subscribers: With more than 60,000 active users and 35,000 social media followers, Green Street News is read by the biggest names in Commercial Real Estate, Investment Advisory, Banking and Law.

 E A L - T I M E   U P D A T E S


R E A L - T I M E   U P D A T E S

Green Street News App: Real-time Alerts on Market News, Transactions & Critical Deals

Icons_Research & News_Benchmark

Keep your finger on the pulse and track market moving news that matters most to you



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Follow the deals and stories most relevant to you by creating custom alerts by size, sector, region and many other deal attributes

Icons_Research & News_Investment Stock

Find available investment stock & active occupier requirements coming from a unique directory of public and private sources

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Personalise your feed and enable push notifications alerting you to key news and transactions in your market


Find out what we know about all the deals you’re following – and many you’re not. Don’t wait until the deal completes to get the inside track, with real-time updates as the transaction progresses. The News and deals alerts app by Green Street News gives you access to breaking news right at your fingertips, plus thousands of ongoing and recently transacted deals each with their own dedicated page offering a date-stamped timeline of the deal with details you can’t get anywhere else.

Scan the QR Code to download the Green Street News App from the App Store or Google Play.

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Premium subscribers can access the app using their existing login details. Stay up to date with push notifications delivered straight to your smartphone. Available now on the App Store and on Google Play. Don’t have premium access? Enquire on behalf of your organisation today.



R E A D E R S H I P   D E M O G R A P H I C S

Our Audience: Senior Audience and Expansive Geographical Reach

Enterprise-level access  |  More than 60% of audience at manager level and above  |  Strong C-suite, VP, and director-level readership  |  Content reach to more than 60 countries worldwide​

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Subscribing firms


Users receiving Daily Alerts


Registered users


Investor/developer focused

Client Types

Top 20 commercial real estate brokers | 250+ brokers with access | 350+ professional services firms | Pension and sovereign wealth funds | 120+ law firms, inc. Magic Circle group | The "Big 4" accountants

Tree Diagram



S U B M I T   T H E   F O R M   B E L O W   T O   G E T   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N

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A D V E R T I S I N G   P A R T N E R S H I P S

Advertise With Us: Partnership Opportunities

Our users are: Disproportionately principals | Disproportionately commercial | Disproportionately engaged

Email Alerts: Daily Bulletins

• Daily and weekly newsletter with your branding, aligned with your sector or regional expertise.


• Best for reaching our widest possible high-end audience with a UK&I, Continental European, and / or Canadian focus depending on bulletin chosen. 


• Alerts are sent to our subscriber base twice daily in the UK and Europe, and 4x weekly in Canada.


• All alert advertising is solus. 


• 66% of Green Street traffic is through our email alerts.


• 900,000+ monthly impressions.


• Weekly impression tracking available.


42,000+ readers subscribed to email alerts   |   35% average open rate (industry avg. 20%)

Email Alerts: Sector & Regional

• Highly audience targeted and content-specific, market-moving bulletins covering: Logistics, Residential, London, Northern UK, Ireland, France & Germany.


• Continued huge focus area for growth for throughout 2024.

Homepage Display

• Best for reaching a generalist audience who check our homepage regularly.


• Front and centre of our content. 


• Our most visited page, with over 66,000 impressions in a 30-day cycle.


• Homepage dwell time is 2 minutes 24 seconds.


• Ability to have a variety of images on rotation, or dynamic GIFs.


• Real-time monitoring of daily advert impressions and click-throughs.


66,000+ page impressions in a 30-day cycle

Sector / Regional Article Display

• Best for reaching a specialist audience based on their interests.


• Your branding on every article in this sector / region for highly targeted impressions. 


• The ad will also appear on the homepage if filtered by this region / sector. 


• Most sectors and regions get 3,000+ impressions per month, with our most popular (Ireland, London, Residential, Office, Logistics) getting 20,000+.


• GIF or image based hyperlinked ads are possible


• Ability to monitor daily ad impressions and click-throughs in real time.


Sectors: Alternatives (inc. Data Centres, Life Science, Healthcare, Self-Storage), Corporate, Finance, Fundraising, Hotels & Leisure, Logistics/Industrial, Life Sciences, Non-performing loans, Occupier, Office, Residential/Multifamily, Retail, Student Accommodation, Sustainability


Regions:  Continental Europe: Austria, Benelux, Central & Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Nordics, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland

UK & Ireland: East Midlands, East of England, Ireland, London, North West, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales. West Midlands, Yorkshire & North East

Canada: Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec City, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg


3k-60k monthly impressions per region or sector

'How to React' Thought Leadership Display

• A unique opportunity to display your firm's downloadable research in the middle of an article of a given sector, or combination of sector and region (eg. London offices).


• Comes with the ability to track impressions and downloads in real time. 


• In the first month of trialing this sponsorship, for the logistics and retail sectors, "How to React" got over 30,000 impressions and 90 click-throughs (~1.5%)


3k-30k page impressions per sector in first month   |   1-2% click-through rate

Email Alerts: Weekly & Fortnightly Regional / Sector Newsletters

• Green Street weekly newsletters contain expert analysis of select regions and sectors from our journalists, along with our summary of our weekly coverage.


• Newsletters are sent weekly to a targeted audience of senior investors who are investigating opportunities within the given region/sector.


• Solus messaging, with branding twice per newsletter.


Sectors: Logistics, Residential


Regions:  London, Northern UK, Ireland, Germany, France

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O U R   H I S T O R Y

Evolution from React News to Green Street News

Green Street’s News product suite came into being when Green Street acquired the U.K. and Europe’s leading online commercial real estate news service, React News, in 2021. In June 2024 React was rebranded to Green Street News as we launched our Canada news service. Together with our three weekly U.S. newsletters – Real Estate Alert, Commercial Mortgage Alert and Asset-Backed Alert – the result is a news service that provides top-quality insights on the property market unavailable anywhere else, which is relied upon daily by the biggest players in commercial real estate. Green Street News expanded to Australia in March 2025 with Green Street's acquisition of Australia Property Journal.